Thursday, November 09, 2006

7 days ago

With all the excitement of the arrival of Renatah I have overlooked letting you know how the whole 'being induced' thing went!

I was scheduled to go into hospital on Wednesday November 1st at 9pm. Earlier that evening I started with mild contractions every 7-10 minutes. It was exciting thinking that perhaps she would just come on her own.

At 10:30pm they gave me a gel to prepare for the petocin (the labour stimulating drug). I was to have the petocin 6 hours after the gel had been put in. Within an hour of having the gel contractions increased to every 1.5-2 minutes lasting for at least a minute ... it was pretty intense. At 4:30am they started the petcoin but because my labour was progressing so well they only had me on a very low dose!! That was an answer to prayer! Dialation was happening and the pain was increasing!! My Dr came in to see me and broke my water at 8:30am - I was 5 cm dialated.

After that I lost all track of time as I focused on getting through the contractions. Tim was an incredible support 'dancing' through contractions with me and helping me keep my breathing focused. Some time in there came the urge to push but I wasn't allowed to yet as I was only 7cm dialated. Things seemed to go quickly then though.

Just after 11am I was allowed to start pushing - my Dr was in surgery with another patient so the midwife on call was there setting up ... just as I was preparing to start the final stint my Dr arrived and a few minutes later (which felt like eternity) Renatah popped out!