Friday, November 07, 2008

Tait's Birth Story

For those who are interested ... here's what happened the day Tait entered our world.

As I mentioned in the 'nursery nook' post, I had been having what they call 'false labour' for about three weeks on and off. Contractions that were doing things to prepare for birth but never getting serious enough to send me to hospital. My weekly check-ups with my midwife showed that I was dilating without much effort.

On Tuesday afternoon, at 3:45, I went in to see my midwife to check out some changes I was experiencing.

Still no serious contractions. My midwife found that I was more dilated and said that if I was ready to have this baby all she'd need to do is break my "water" and he'd be here in a few hours. It's no surprise to many that I was indeed - very ready - to have this baby!!

So we went over to the birthing center and got 'checked in'. I put on my special socks and waited for my midwife to come and do her thing. That happened around 6:30pm.

Contractions came hard and fast, I was in active labour by 7pm. Nonny had stayed home with Renatah. She put her to bed and left her in the care of our neighbour, while our home group met down stairs as usual!

In the midst of contractions my 'birthing team' assembled in the room ... Aunt Judy and Nonny. They were both there for the birth of Renatah and it was important for me to have them both there again.

Tim was wonderful helping me through the intense contractions. He will say he felt like he didn't do too much because it all happened so quickly. But he was a huge help!!

My midwife came back and said that she thought it would just take one push and he'd be here. My first and only response was "YEAH RIGHT!!" ... I lost count of the number of times I heard 'just one more push' when I was delivering Renatah.

BUT sure enough ... with one big almighty push Tait entered our world.

Thanks Regis!!

It was a miracle in more ways than one. Our beautiful healthy boy.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tait Larry William

Tait Larry William
October 28, 2008
18.5" long

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nursery 'Nook'

In spite of all the false labour I've been having (which we have affectionately been calling 'warm-ups') for the past three weeks, our little boy has waited till his Nonny arrived and has waited till after the baby shower.

I feel COMPLETELY prepared and now just eagerly await the arrival of our little man.

Our last effort
to get 'ready' was to complete a little space in our bedroom for our baby.

We are calling it a Nursery Nook ... a space in the corner of our room.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A 'Belly' Shot

First Hugs

Shed Progress

While I've been working on the 'inside' of the house, I've shared some of my 'nesting' energy with Tim and he has been working hard on the shed!! I think that the impending onset of the rain is more of a motivation. Tim, Chuck and Tim's dad have been working hard the past few weeks to get the roofing done. Yesterday was another milestone ... A DOOR!! Now we just have to get the handle on and we can put stuff in there and lock it up!!

Way to go boys!!

oh look - Tim's mom and I got to help too!!

Front Porch

Here it is ... another one of my 'house beautification projects' as Tim calls it. All a part of 'nesting' I think. Our front porch used to just 'stored' all sorts of odds and ends. But now it has been transformed into a lovely 'hang out' spot ... day and night. Obviously it looks more 'beautiful' at night with the lights. The furniture is on 'loan' from our neighbours. They asked if we could 'store' it for them for the winter so they don't have to leave it sitting out in all the rain!! We are thrilled to help in that way!

The "sticks" are dead branches that were cut off from a tree in our yard ... thought they added a different 'touch'. Trying to make beautiful the area that 'stores' the meters for our natural gas use!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Our "new" Kitchen

A 'before' shot right before the painting started.

Painting the primer.

View from the front door (ish)

View from one end of the dining table.

View from the other end of the dining table!

Thanks to my neigbour Karen - I learned a lot - had a FABULOUS time and LOVE LOVE LOVE the end result! You are welcome any time to come and hang out in the kitchen with me (the only room in the house with colour - so far!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

This year's gardening effort

It is no secret that I have what you might call 'a black thumb'. Plants don't survive very long in my care - I don't know why. So anyway, early this spring I thought I'd start really small and throw some wildflower seeds in a patch of dirt outside our back door.

I had my hopes up that something might happen!! Then we got Dalbea. What ever was growing in my yard (not planted by me) disappeared within the first few months of him living with us. This little patch of dirt was not left alone either.

So imagine my surprise one day when I glanced out to see - A LITTLE PINK FLOWER!! (please pay no attention to the gigantic weed growing behind it!). It only lasted a day or two before Mr. Dog disappeared it. BUT I got a flower! YAY!

Perhaps next spring I'll try something in the front where Mr. Dog doesn't roam. At least this year I had him to blame for my failed gardening efforts. Next year - it will just be my fault!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Renatah developed the habit a few months ago of climbing out of her crib. She did so ever so gracefully - throwing one leg up on the top of the bar and launching herself over and onto the floor.

We figured it was about time to introduce the "Big Girl Bed". So when we got back from our camping trip we said good-bye to the crib and hello to her big girl bed.

The transition has gone rather smoothly for the most part. Her afternoon nap times are the hardest (she still sleeps in the morning - her best napping time). She is enjoying the freedom of climbing in and out of bed and has now mastered opening her door and letting herself out! Ahh the challenges just roll from one to the next. It's called parenting right!?

Asleep the first night in her new bed.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Cherry Picking

One Sunday afternoon we were invited out to our friend's farm to help him 'harvest' his cherries. We had a fabulous time hanging out, eating cherries, picking a few, eating some more and touring the farm a little.

Renatah ran free for most of the afternoon. She got to play in a paddle pool, 'ride' a tractor, say hi to some alpacas and eat some fresh produce from their veggie garden. Nonny we have pitted and frozen some of our pickings for you when you visit!!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Anyone's toothbrush will do

We have a little monkey who loves to climb ... today we walked around the corner to find ...

Friday, August 01, 2008

Our Summer Adventure

We packed up the car and headed south on a 14 hour road trip to Big Sur, California. We joined Tim's sister Barb and family there for a week of camping fun. It was a great time with family and something we hope to make a habit of over the years. Here are a few snap shots of our week. Another slide show - the easiest way to share more than one picture.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


At the end of June Renatah and I accompanied Tim to LA. He had a week of training for work and we were able to hang out with family. It was a treat for Renatah to have time with her cousins. The highlight was definitely a trip to Disneyland one evening with Aunty Ruth and Aunty Ros. What a treat! Enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Trip to Hawaii

The second week in June Tim was 'sent' to Hawaii for work. Tough break huh!?!? So after some 'figuring' with frequent flyer miles it worked out for Renatah and I to join him and have a bit of a spontaneous family vacation! It was a blessing in so many ways.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Birthday Cake

Six months after her first introduction to 'birthday cake' . . . Renatah is now a big fan! Thanks 'e-ah-na for having a birthday and sharing your cake with me!

Watermelon Days

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Baby News

We had our big ultra sound this week to check on our baby's development. It was also the time when we could find out the gender of our child.

We are VERY pleased to let you know that at the end of October we will have 'one of each', a 'pigeon pair' .... yep ...

it's a BOY!

This is extra happy news because in the history of the Ohlson family (well at least Tim's immediate family) boys are not so common! Tim has three older sisters. Two of them have kids and they each have just 1 token male (out of 4 or 5 children!). We are thrilled that the Ohlson name will continue. We are thankful that our son is growing very well right now. Our midwife commented that he is a 'big boy' at the moment. She did assure us though that over the remaining half of my pregnancy it could even out ... so ... we are not predicting a big boy at this point.

We hope to have more children in the future too, perhaps we will break the mold of 1 token male. Though I also come from a family with 1 token male - so - who knows really!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Dancing Diva

It is a rare occasion that Renatah does not ask to dance in the morning after her breakfast. Our girl loves music ... but may need some help refining her 'moves'. It's good for a laugh every time though!

Home Improvements ... Phase 1: The Attic

Here's the story ... we moved into our new home just over a year ago and quickly discovered that the design of the house (the garage in particular) had a significant flaw. The garage was positioned at a 90 degree angle to the driveway. This meant that while we managed to get our little white car (which is ours no-longer) into the garage and close the door without too much difficulty ... it took 5 minutes and 200 little turns to get the little white car out of the garage.

SO - without too much deliberation we decided to forget using the garage for a car and turn it into a multipurpose room for our family and community of friends that use our house regularly. As with many 'bright ideas' this one is taking quite a lot of planning and purchasing to make a reality.

First things first was to find somewhere else to 'store' all the stuff that was being stored in the garage since we moved in. Our oh-so-wonderful-oh-so-talented-oh-so-generous neighbour helped us discover that our attic space could 'easily' be turned into effective storage space.

Hence began the construction of the attic. I lost track of exactly how long it took to convert the space into storage ... well ... truth be told ... I don't think they are done up there just yet. But it is being used for the most part.

So all our 'little things' are now out of the garage and in the attic thanks to these three wonderful men.

Stay tuned for the next phase!!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Puppy Love

We are thrilled that they are getting along so wonderfully! It is nice to have a child who is not terrified of pets.

It could be argued that she loves on them a bit too eagerly! She has plenty of 'war wounds' to show for her affections but it doesn't stop her from coming back for more!
Dalbea is a lot more tolerant than our cat, Icabod, who flees from Renatah's gleeful attempts to catch and cuddle her.

Enjoy the show.

Pig-Tail Princess

Her hair is now long enough for Muma to 'play' with.
Renatah loves to have 'pretties' in her hair.
The front is now hanging down to the bridge of her nose so most days she has a clip to hold the front back ... and then there are the pig-tail days.

This is the typical 'after nap' look.