For those who are interested ... here's what happened the day Tait entered our world.
As I mentioned in the 'nursery nook' post, I had been having what they call 'false labour' for about three weeks on and off. Contractions that were doing things to prepare for birth but never getting serious enough to send me to hospital. My weekly check-ups with my midwife showed that I was dilating without much effort.
On Tuesday afternoon, at 3:45, I went in to see my midwife to check out some changes I was experiencing.
Still no serious contractions. My midwife found that I was more dilated and said that if I was ready to have this baby all she'd need to do is break my "water" and he'd be here in a few hours. It's no surprise to many that I was indeed - very ready - to have this baby!!
So we went over to the birthing center and got 'checked in'. I put on my special socks and waited for my midwife to come and do her thing. That happened around 6:30pm.
In the midst of contractions my 'birthing team' assembled in the room ... Aunt Judy and Nonny. They were both there for the birth of Renatah and it was important for me to have them both there again.
Tim was wonderful helping me through the intense contractions. He will say he felt like he didn't do too much because it all happened so quickly. But he was a huge help!!
BUT sure enough ... with one big almighty push Tait entered our world.
Thanks Regis!!