Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ok ... jumping right in!

Here's some thoughts from the 'here and now'.

As a couple we feel very encouraged and blessed that God has given us both a heart of hospitality and a desire to make our home open to people who need a place to crash. Be it a night or two or a week or two or even a year, we love to enrich our journey and our life story by sharing it with others.

Our most recent guests were a couple from Toronto who put a 'note out' through our church online 'bulletin board' seeking someone to stay the night with and go to church with in the morning. It was fun to meet Kevin and Meaghan, share a meal with them, watch them interact with our kids and hear their story.

I just glanced through our guest 'list' that is going to get put into our guest 'book' -- we have had over 20 guests in the 3 years we have lived here!! Such fond memories ... we look forward to meeting more people and sharing in their life story. If you fancy a trip to Portland ... we'll put you up!!