Monday, November 14, 2011

A One Month Birthday Party

This past weekend we had the privilege of hosting a belated baby shower which turned out to be on the one month anniversary of this darling little boy's life.  He is the 3rd son of our dear friends and we had the honor of having his sister stay the night with us as he was making his entrance into this world.

All that to say, we were thrilled to host a party in his honor and shower his family with a bit of love.

We had a gathering of all our old home group, and a few others.  All these people used to gather in our home weekly when all of our children were quite a bit younger than they are now.  The rec-room is now fitted out with all the kids toys and the living room reclaimed as 'grown up space' -- the perfect set up to have 10+ adults and 15+ kids catching up with each other over soup.

Having just done the birthday parties for my kids, I was still very much in 'party  mode' and had a delightful time planning and setting up for another party.  

Because I know some are interested in the details ... here is what some of the details looked like for our little celebration.  It's tricky for me to get adequate pictures of the over all look, so I just selected a few of the details.  Basically the theme colours were white, blue and brown and there were little glass jars with flowers around the place.  The table started out quite bare but soon filled up with all the goodies people brought to share.

the invitation!

We asked everyone to spend a moment writing out a word of encouragement, blessing, prayer, or scripture for our friends.

Brownies are a favorite, so I made a little brownie tiered cake for the little man, and extra round brownies for everyone else to enjoy

We even sang "happy one month birthday" ... and the guest of honor slept through the whole thing.

Little bundles of jelly-bellies were taken home by each guest as a thank you for coming.

 Planning parties is a passion (if you haven't noticed). Creating all the details makes me come alive and brings joy to my soul.  It is always an honor and a delight to 'put on' a party for someone I care about. Thanks sweet family for allowing me to love on you in this way!!

Next on the agenda for my crafting season ... Christmas gifts!  Stay tuned.  I should also put up some posts about 'life' and kids and all that -- but really -- right now -- the details aren't all that attractive! 


Anonymous said...

So beautiful, and so sweet! All the thoughtful details... we are very blessed by you. Love, B

Anonymous said...

A beautiful showering of love my friend! love the theme colours- and that brownie cake is stunningly sweet and yet simple. Just lovely xx
love sar