Over the last 8 months or so Renatah has done lots of growing up - not so much physically but in so many other ways. She will talk your ear off and experiences life with much gusto! On the other side, she is very loving and thoughtful and tender when the time calls for it.
Following are some pictures with little blurbs underneath to sum up some of her life,
...to catch you up a little.
*note: they are in no particular order*
Following are some pictures with little blurbs underneath to sum up some of her life,
...to catch you up a little.
*note: they are in no particular order*
blowing out the candles - over and over and over!
This picture shows her discovery of my make-up but a few weeks prior to that was
Vaseline - half a tub, mostly on her hair but not exclusively.
and her cooking toys and other such things little girls play with.
share toys and space with this little boy that likes to get into every thing - more on him later!
Some other highlights to include speak to her independence and signs that 'my baby girl' is growing up so fast!
Renatah has been potty trained for some time. Her little quirk ... to the horror of some (and her mother when in public places) she simply drops her 'dacks' when she feels the urge ... and then seeks to find the appropriate place to relieve herself.
Renatah will now ask if she can go to the neighbours house to visit and stay there without a parent for as long as they will keep her!! Chuck and Karen are her favourite!
Renatah will tell me what day of the week regular things happen ... "CBS is on Wednesday", "Church followed by Sunday School is on Sunday" and "Sha-Sha comes on Saturday".
Now that I've shared a little from the past, it will be fun to keep you 'updated' with things of the present, as they happen.
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