Here he is ... the newest member of our family who lives up to his name everyday. We are in awe of how well his name suits his personality.

-- means CHEERFUL
-- it sums him up
Larry William
-- his namesakes
-- he bares physical resemblances to these two men in his broad forehead and the smile that lights up his face. What a delight for us to be reminded of these special men in our lives on a daily basis when we look at our son.
He is growing and changing daily - if we had started earlier in his life there would be so many stories to share with you. Since we were slack in keeping on top of sharing them with you a few more recent little highlights will have to suffice.

-- means CHEERFUL
-- it sums him up
Larry William
-- his namesakes
-- he bares physical resemblances to these two men in his broad forehead and the smile that lights up his face. What a delight for us to be reminded of these special men in our lives on a daily basis when we look at our son.
He is growing and changing daily - if we had started earlier in his life there would be so many stories to share with you. Since we were slack in keeping on top of sharing them with you a few more recent little highlights will have to suffice.
- Tait spent his first few months keeping to himself and minding his own business except on the odd occasion he'd voice his need to be fed or changed to put down to sleep. He started off as a great sleeper but lately this has been a more challenging aspect of his life - we'll blame the teeth! (He currently has 6 ... 4 poking through on the one day)
- His world became accessible to him when he started scooting himself around on his belly at 6 months ... by 8 months he had developed the 'perfect' crawl - no unique style for this little guy. At 9 months he has now started cruising and opening drawers/cupboards. Renatah is not a huge fan of his increased mobility. Tait is often 'chasing' her around the living room trying to get back what she has taken from him!
- As you can see from the pictures he has a healthy appetite. When he started eating solid foods at 6 months he 'bulked up' into the chubby lil' fella who I affectionately call 'my squishy'.
- At six months old he was as heavy as Renatah was at a year. We are constantly discovering the many ways in which are children are so incredibly different from each other - we are not too sure they even look like siblings!
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