I had another appointment with my doctor today ... I'm a week overdue and it looks like I will be induced on Thursday, November 2nd if Poppy doesn't come on her own before then. I will go into hospital tomorrow night at 9pm and start the process but active induction won't start till Thursday. We would value your prayers that Poppy might just come on her own and that natural contractions will start before Thursday's induction. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
not yet
Poppy's due date has come and gone. Looks like she's joining the 'norm' of first babys arriving late. Although in my little world - my friends who have had their first in the past few years have mostly come a week early or on their due date - so that is what 'appears' to be the norm.
I had an appointment yesterday with a nurse-midwife, as my doctor is out of town this week. She understands that I want to have this birth as natural as possible so she told me of a root extract to take today to help stimulate labour in efforts to avoid the need for drugs to induce labour. So we shall see how that goes. She says that in her experience women go into labor within 24-48 hours when taking this ... so ... Poppy could be here before next week.
Stay tuned. In efforts to labor at home for a big part of it I might be on here to let you know that it's happening - but - I might not! I will however make sure that something gets posted when Poppy arrives.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and excitement with us as we eagerly await the arrival of our daughter!
Posted by TimnND at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 22, 2006
As big as it gets?
I LOVE AUTUMN!! The colours are just magnificent! We get a little bit of the changes in Australia but not at all like here! It was an absolutely gorgeous day so we took the opportunity to do a photo shoot outside. It will probably be the last one with Poppy in my belly ... the next photos will be of her - introducing her to the world! So it looks like this is as big as I'll get. I feel great! I could probably keep going for another couple of months ... well physically at least ... I'm very ready to have her now though in every other way! I can't wait to introduce you to her!
Posted by TimnND at 10:38 PM 1 comments
I had some contractions today - nothing too intense or at all regular but definately a little more than the braxton hicks ones. It was all rather exciting ... makes the upcoming event feel a lot more 'real'. Will keep you posted! I can't wait to meet my little girl!
Posted by TimnND at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
As "THE DAY" Approaches
I've been thinking a lot in the past few days as the day approaches for the arrival of our daughter - our little poppett - who has recently become known as 'poppy'. So I thought I'd share some of my thinking's with you.
The state of being in a time when a life changing and life giving event could begin its journey at any given moment is a rather strange place to be. I had my 39th week dr's appointment yesterday and things are 'just fine'. There have been no significant developments in the past week and we scheduled an appointment for next week - on my due date - and for the following week, by which time I would be over due.
That felt weird - I'm ready for our little poppett to make her entrance into this world ... but to think that in all reality it could be a few weeks before she decides she's ready. Actively waiting seems to be an oxymoron. Yet it is how this waiting game must be played. Life can't go on hold until labour begins. I have things that 'need' to get done and others that I would like to get done and sometimes I wish that Poppy would come so that I have yet another excuse to put the tasks off!!
Physically I'm doing great. I haven't yet reached the state of feeling as if I'm going to burst - for which I am very grateful! Still no strech marks (though I've been told they can come at the last minute so I'm not 'safe'!!) ... and I'm still moving about pretty easily! The Dr has predicted a 6 and a half to 7 and a half pound baby. I'm not sure she will be that tiny but we will see!
Emotionally I'm struggling. All the hormone changes means a very emotional mum to be ... it's a new experience and one I'm not liking too much. I hear it's completely normal so that does help with coping through the 'break down' moments.
Mum arrives on Saturday. I am SUPER excited to have her here ... things are always better when mum is around!
I'd best leave it here before I get too carried away. I'll post another picture soon.
Posted by TimnND at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Celebrating 30
Tim turned 30 on Sunday (Oct 15th). He didn't want a big deal made of the occasion so I just organised a little surprise party for him! When we got home from church and a birthday lunch with Aunt Judy, Uncle Jim and Mimi he was sent to his room and told not to come out till he was told he could! He thought I was preparing a dinner for him - which - I guess I was in a way!
While he was up there watching football I was getting things organised down stairs for games and pizza with our friends Joy & Chris and Nate & Brooke and their kids. The surprise was successful and we had a fun relaxed night playing games and eating pizza with a bit of the Broncos vs Raiders game in there too.
His daughter Shalom was with us for the weekend too which made his day all that more special. In the picture above you can see Yzobella's back and Shalom behind Tim who is holding Adelle. Shalom decided to put three candles on the cake to represent the three decades of Tim's life that we are celebrating!!
Thanks to those who sent cards and text messages and phone calls - it really was a meaningful day and I think he went to bed feeling very loved!
Posted by TimnND at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
What's that Smell??

We played a few games to entertain ourselves ... the most memorable was the diaper contest.
Is it snickers or reeces peanut butter cups ... Joyce smells a diaper to determine what type of candy bar has been melted into it ... a fun game that kept every one in giggles. Even Uncle Jim got right into the game!!
Posted by TimnND at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Poppets 'shower'
We had fun this afternoon with an eclectic group of people to celebrate the upcoming birth of our little Poppett. Tim got some practise with 10 week old Adelle, daughter of our friends Nate and Brooke. Naomi ooooh-ed and aaaaah-ed over all the little gifts that were 'showered' on us ... lots of clothes for Poppett ... looks like she's set for the first year of her life! This gift was a tiny little pair of pink booties ideal for 'coming home' from the hospital.
Posted by TimnND at 2:35 AM 0 comments