Friday, March 23, 2007
Renatah's First Feeding
Posted by TimnND at 6:28 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007
my heart's delight in a little thing
I just got home from a night of scrapbooking with ladies from the mom's group I've been going to here in Sandy ... I am so energised and happy!! This feeling doesn't come all that often! I have so many little projects I want to do and that many more that I have started - I've been feeling rather stuck. With a new baby at home - there just isn't much time for crafty ventures as you can imagine. A group of 4 of us brought all our 'stuff' and sat and talked and worked and decided to make it a fortnightly event!! I'm so thankful for some people who want to make this a regular thing - my one little outlet and a chance to get some projects done. Woohoo!!
I just wanted to share my little piece of delight with you!!
I will admit that when I first got the phone call from a lady I met at the tree-lighting ceremony in early December, inviting me to the mom's group at her church, I was hesitant and reluctantly said I would go. I didn't think that I would keep going - but - this time on a Thursday morning has been such a blessing and encouragement to my heart. God works in ways we often don't anticipate. God is good!
Have a great night/day which ever it is for you where ever you are! Look for the blessings that are in your day - they are there!!
Posted by TimnND at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Finding Her Voice
Renatah has found her voice. She has learned that she can squeal and make all kinds of wonderful squeaky noises. She loves to make mummy and papa laugh with her wonderful new sounds.
Posted by TimnND at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Uncle Cammy
Thanks for playin wtih me the other night when you came to have dinner with my Mumma and Papa!
Your hairy face makes me smile!!
Can't wait to play again soon.
Posted by TimnND at 5:07 PM 2 comments
Immigration Update
On February 20th I had an appointment to get my 'biometrics' taken - a big word to mean the fingerprint of my right index finger, my signature and my photo. All this had already been taken for my 'change of status' to conditional resident back in December ... but this was now for my 'permission to work' card that I applied for in April '06.
On March 1st my 'permission to work' card arrived in the mail and it's validity dates are from April 27 '06 to March 10 '08. Craziness! The thing was valid a year before I actually got it - something is not quite right in their system!
All that being said I was able to go to the Social Security office and apply for my number. So it has achieved it's purpose. Now Tim can claim me as a dependant on his tax return and if something just so happens to come up - I could get a job. I won't be actively seeking anything at the moment though. I have actually been able to pick up some baby sitting here and there that is providing a little extra 'spending money' which is nice! We thank the Lord for those provisions. I don't want to leave Renatah in day care - so doing something where I can take her along is just perfect!
Thanks for your interest and prayers - we now await the infamous 'green card' which will signal my change of status to a 'conditional resident'!
Posted by TimnND at 10:34 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
A few THANK YOU's, from Renatah
Aunty Joy,
Thank you for the SUPER CUTE bonnet and sweater you knitted for me. With my very white skin I look like a little Scandinavian baby!

Aunty Sarah,
I love the giraffe bib you got for me! It's so colorful and covers me almost head to toe!! or I guess it's more like neck to knee!

Mrs O'Dea,
Mum tried to dress me in the hat and t-shirt you gave me - the hat was a little hard to keep on my head - but will sure be useful when my head grows bigger!!
The Koala has sparked my interest already!
Posted by TimnND at 1:23 PM 1 comments
When Papa's away the girls do play

Posted by TimnND at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 02, 2007
we'd love to hear from you!
If you drop in and checkout our latest additions - we'd love to know you did!!
Leave a little note ... it would encourage us to keep the posts coming!!! If you have anything you'd like to 'see' or 'hear' about - we take requests!!
We deeply miss our family and friends that are scattered across the globe and are so grateful for technology that helps us stay connected so easily! We're glad this blog is one way we can keep you connected with our lives!
Have a wonderful day - keep smiling!
Posted by TimnND at 12:01 PM 4 comments
4 Months Old Today
- grabbing toys and pulling them into her mouth - though she often gets frustrated because she can't hold them in there for as long as she wants. Her mouth wants to chew but her coordination won't allow her the satisfaction for to long
- she is making new sounds (hard to explain in writing!)
- her hair is starting to grow back - lighter and more red!!
- almost sitting without support - she has the strength - she's just working on the balance
- she has discovered that there is a world beyond the ceiling when she's laying on her back - she tilts her head back as far as she can and arks her back so see whatever is behind her
- she now rolls onto her side when she is on her back loving the freedom especially when her bottom is bare
I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of for now ... oh ... just remembered one more ... she's now laughing without being touched!! It makes me wonder what goes on in that brain of hers - what prompts the laughter - are we really that funny looking?!
Posted by TimnND at 11:48 AM 3 comments
Tasty Fingers
At 3 months Renatah started finding her fingers. Now they are a constant feature in her mouth.
She has started teething more intensely and thus the fingers in the mouth help channel the puddles of drool that come with the whole teething process.
She has a favourite finger - hopefully we'll catch it on camera soon so you can see!

Our little friend Violette put together this ensemble for Renatah to wear today. She loves to dress babies! Here is Violette "making a baby" out of Renatah's clothes when she came to visit at the hospital the day after she was born.
Posted by TimnND at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Poppy at the Park
The North West of the US is known for its many months of rain. I'm learning just how true this is. It's not all that bad though - it certainly keeps life green - a welcome change from the greyness we grew up with in Manila!
After a period of wet days the sun came out on a Saturday. We took full advantage of the magnificent weather and took a trip to the park with our friends 4 kids that were staying with us over night and Shalom.
A great wooden play structure has been built in a park just up the road from our place. We should have got some more pictures but we just took this one of Poppy's first swing!!
As she lapped up the sunlight we realised that it was one of the few times since she has been born that she has actually been out in the sun - not because we keep her couped up inside all day - but because there just hasn't been that much sun since November 2nd!
We look forward to more play days at the park as Spring brings in the Summer months.
Posted by TimnND at 10:39 AM 1 comments