In the last week of February Papa spent a week in LA for work. Renatah and Mumma had a few tentative plans to leave home as well - but instead they ended up taking day trips and a few over nights at Aunt Judy's. One of our day trips was a drive out to Cannon Beach (a favourite hang out spot for Papa and Mumma) with our friends Brooke and Adelle.
On the drive out to the beach we were surrounded by the magificent beauty of snow on the trees and side of the road with a bright blue sky and streams of sunlight. Not terribly common this time of year - the snow or the blue sky!! It's usually just rainny and overcast! It was quite magical.

We took a walk along the beach. It was rather cold and windy so Renatah stayed bundled up close to Mumma in the Ergo baby carrier. The object in the back ground is called 'Haystack Rock' - quite well known in these parts.
Hi Naomi and Tim,
I love your blog site! I hadn't been on for awhile and it is wonderful to catch up. The photo of you at Cannon Beach brings back memories for me. My best friend Barb and I have been there together and have photos w/ haystack in the background. So fun! You are blessed to live in green Oregon. We are having warm weather here and loving it. The hummingbirds are so sweet to sit and watch. All my love to each of you. I know I haven't talked w/ you much at all but I do keep you close in prayers and heart. Love Barb
beautiful picture!!
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