Friday, November 06, 2009

Now that Fall is well and truly here ... I'll tell you about our summer

Part 1 of 10

Family Reunion Road Trip

We packed up our car and headed 11 hours south to join up with Tim's side of the family for a week long reunion. It was the first time for some of us to meet each other and we had a fabulously relaxing time.

The kids both did wonderfully in the car. We broke up the trip over two days which helped. Tait spent a lot of the trip ... like this!

Tim's parents joined us on the road trip down and we stayed the night at the place of some long time friends of theirs. The house was intricately decorated. In one room we found a doll the same size as Renatah!

Renatah had a blast getting to know all her cousins. I think it was all a little overwhelming for her but with a few outings with just Muma and Papa thrown into her days, she coped well.

Here's all 12 cousins !
(Renatah had to be woken up from a nap for pictures ... hence the 'grump' look!)

And here is the OHLSON CLAN ... all 22 of us.

We hope to repeat this get together every couple of years when Amy and her family are back for the summer from their work in China.